Friday, February 8, 2013


I found this interesting. It was published yesterday.

Here is a profile of your average book reader, according to research recently released from the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project:

·         25% of Americans 16 years and older did not read a single book in the past dozen months.
·         27% read 11 or more books in that time.
·         21% read 1-3 books.
·         27% read 4-10 books.

·         23% said they read at least one e-book in the last year.
·         67% said they read at least one printed book.

·         25% of 16+ Americans own tablets – up from 10% a year ago.
·         19% of 16+ Americans owned one book reading device at the end of 2012, whereas 10% did so at 2011’s conclusion.

·         The older one got the less likely they read books. 90% of 16-year-olds read books, but only 67% of those 65 or older do.

·         But the sweet spot for finding readers rests in those with college or graduate degrees, those who live in households earning more than $75,000, and those whose ages fall between 30 and 49.

·         81% of women vs. 70% of men read at least one book last year.

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