Here I go! I just spent the most ever on a huge promotion
blitz for SILENT INVASION and DROP OUT (my two best sellers). I did it through I’ve read other posts about the effectiveness of such ads and most
said that author’s sales increased because of them. I booked on nine different
sites with a combined reach of 312,000 avid readers. These are people who
actively read the blogs. My ads will feature the cover, a blurb, and the link
to buy the book. The blitz will run on all sites simultaneously for an entire two
weeks beginning on December 26th and running through the New Year
into January. My logic is that people will be getting ereaders (it’s the #1
gift this year) at Christmas and then will have time off through the holiday to
peruse various reader and book sites. At the same time, my newest novel debuts
on Amazon and B&N, and I’ll be promoting that one like a rabid beast. If
there’s a recipe for going viral I think I have all the ingredients. It’s just a
matter of how much time it takes to cook.
Thank you.