Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A writer’s year

The New Year is here and I’m sure everyone plans on making 2013 better than 2012. And hopefully it will be for all of us. My free pre-release promotion for IMAGINATION has ended and the results were pretty much what I had expected due to the lack of my announcing it; a total of 857 downloads. My intention wasn’t to give away tens of thousands of books but to expose the book to heavy readers who would then ‘like, tag, and review’ the book before I rolled out the big guns and shared the link with the world. It appears to have worked. Unique to this promotion, I had several downloads from six different countries which hadn’t happened before. I guess Kindle is really taking over the world. IMAGINATION received several dozen ‘likes and tags’ and four anonymous fan/readers emailed me that they will give a review when they are finished reading the book. According to the KDP Select contract, I still have two days left of Amazon free promo which I may use right before my ninety day exclusive contract with them is up. I am not going to renew the exclusivity any further since I believe the Nook market is going to open up big time. I just started posting on Nook boards and placing my books on other Nook and Kobo sites and I continue to market heavily to those ereaders. I am seeing sales begin to rise through the Smashwords site that distributes them. I’ve also decided to concentrate on writing mini sci-fi/paranormal novellas (@ 30,000-words each) for a while, and putting them on the market for ninety-nine cents each. I’m estimating I can put out three a year for the next two years. Not only will the increased revenue help my financial state (even though I only profit 33 cents a book royalty) but readers who like my style could move on to purchase my other novels. Since IMAGINATION took nearly thirteen months to complete, I will hence triple my chances at readership with the novellas. All I have to do is unlock and yank open my drawer of ideas, sift through the thousands of scribbling outlines I’ve jotted over nearly three decades, and pull out the ones I think are best. Telling the story is the easy part.

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting, continue step by step process
    in simple steps for the beginnir. Thanks
