Do you know if you write a page a day that within one year
you will have written a book? How many times have I heard that one? If that one
book takes a year to write then the revision process would have to take many years.
Truth is, writing a first draft is the easy part. I can usually belt one out in
a few months. But the revision; forgetta’bout it. That’s the time consuming
stuff, though I am getting better at it as I get older (and hopefully wiser).
I’m also getting better as a writer. Ideas come more easily after so many years
of living in my ideas and the process of getting them on paper is less
time-consuming. For my new novel, I’m finding the plot twists are coming
naturally and I’ve had quite a few ‘aha!’ moments in the last few days. Here’s
a little secret about starting a new novel. Don’t worry about the perfect first
chapter or getting that perfect first line. Just start jotting down a story.
Through most of my books, I’ve completed about half of the novel when I usually
go back and write new intro’s that incorporate the original intro’s, if that
makes any sense. For instance, I thought I had the perfect intro for my latest.
A shocking, get-right-into-the-action first chapter, when a few hours ago I
came up with a much better start. One that the reader won’t be able to not turn
the page. My original beginning is now chapter two. But, that intro catapulted
me into the story so I could build a base. As of this post, I hit the 10,000
word mark and have a pile of notes about how the novel will progress. But since
I don’t outline, I’m not sure what exactly will happen. The fun of this project
is that with IMAGINATION anything can.
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